Start here your journey in Lixi Invest.

In this page we have gathered and organized all the articles and free resources where you can find the most frequently asked questions related to personal finance.

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Book – I X Comandamenti dell’ Investimento Finanziario (The Ten Commandments of Financial Investing)

The starting point for anyone who has yet to dip their toes in the investing arena, or whose toe-dipping has gone terribly wrong.

A book tailor-made for savers who want to get the hang of this world and do not possess expert knowledge.

Ten commandments, a lot of common sense, and the main mistakes to steer clear of.


Wikilix is the largest personal finance community in Italy geared toward savers and investors In our Facebook group, you will find articles, posts, research work, and useful news about the world of investing, all of it laid out in a way that is simple and understandable to everyone.

Wikilix - Personal Finance Podcast

In each podcast episode, Luca and the Lixi Invest team address the issues that really matter when it comes to personal finance, savings, markets, and investing. The first 100% bank- and finance company-independent podcast that walks you through the steps to regain control of your financial life and invest in a fully informed way.

Principles of investing - with Valerio Russo

In each episode, Luca Lixi answers the questions from Valerio Russo on investments, banks, stocks, ETF, false myths and everything that revolves around the world of money, drawing inspiration from the best investors of all time and the best books on personal finance.

Suggested books

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Entra nella community di riferimento per la finanza personale e gli investimenti.

Ogni giorno oltre 28 mila persone vengono aiutate da Luca e dal suo team a prendere decisioni più consapevoli sulle proprie finanze personali e i loro investimenti.

All'interno del gruppo troverai articoli, post, ricerche e notizie utili sul mondo degli investimenti spiegati in modo semplice e comprensibile da chiunque.

Entra nella community di riferimento per la finanza personale e gli investimenti.

Ogni giorno oltre 28 mila persone vengono aiutate da Luca e dal suo team a prendere decisioni più consapevoli sulle proprie finanze personali e i loro investimenti.

All'interno del gruppo troverai articoli, post, ricerche e notizie utili sul mondo degli investimenti spiegati in modo semplice e comprensibile da chiunque.