
Lixi invest looks to the future with optimism: in 2021, it confirms 2020 record revenues and increases investments

Author: Press Office


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Tallinn (Estonia), 27th July 2022 – Nearly 1.60 million euros in revenues, 0.3 million euros of profits*, EBITDA of 20 percent, a net financial position of more than 1.2 million euros.These are the financial results achieved in 2021 by Lixi OÜ, a company leader in the online financial education field and owner of the Lixi Invest brand.

Despite the fact that the company has, for nine months, shut down the sales of its flagship product, revenues are basically in line with those of 2020 (nearly 1.61 million euros).

This was possible for two reasons:

  • A substantial sales increase of the company’s other two products: Tradix, a membership dedicated to investing in equities, and Rendix, a process dedicated to those who wish to obtain a passive income from their capital.
  • And the launch of Plannix in September 2021.

    Plannix is the proprietary financial planning process, completely revamped from the previous version. It provides a solution that helps savers and people who are not financial professionals manage, invest and protect their money.

Currently, the company’s services are rated 4.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot, with more than 400 reviews.

During 2021, the company also started relevant investments, entirely self-financed, which brought the amount of profits back in line with the results achieved in 2019.

These investments, aimed at completely improving and innovating the user experience of the current educational offerings, will be increased in 2022 and are expected to increase next year as well.

“After only 3.5 years since founding Lixi Invest, I can say that 2021 was by far our best year. – commented Luca Lixi, founder and CEO of Lixi OÜ – We have confirmed our ability to be profitable from day one, we have launched a completely revamped product, and the team has grown through the inclusion of some new key figures.”.

While it will still take some time to see the results of these investments (at the moment, they are strictly confidential), the company keeps being engaged in other projects.

For example, the launch in the first half of 2022 of the new Wikilix Essentials series, a book set consisting of 10 volumes, each dedicated to a different personal finance topic.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of these books was donated to two charitable projects.

It has contributed to the financial literacy of 5,000 middle school students through VIK School’s Be Money Smart project and to the funding of 3 scholarships worth €10,500 (total) as part of the Angelo Affinita Foundation’s “Io da grande sarò” project (When I grow up, I will be).

Moreover, the work of Luca Lixi and other team members, including Sergio Piovini, within AEGIS SCF, one of the few independent financial advisory firms in Italy, continues.

“We want to give back savers control of their financial situation: this has always been the company’s mission – Lixi concludes – However f the mission is always the same, the ways in which we help our clients must constantly evolve, innovate, and adapt to the growing complexity where we live. Lixi Invest certainly does not want to stay still. We are investing for the future, and the next few years will indeed be interesting years for the Lixi Invest ecosystem.”

*Full data disclosure here: https://creditreports.ee/lixi-ou

Author: Press Office



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Access the Wikilix Facebook group, every day tens of thousands of participants are helped by Luca and his team to make more informed decisions about their personal finances.

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